Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Critter Shots

Here are some wildlife shots Jen has taken around the lodge recently.

We call this eagle "The commuter" because we see him flying past
the lodge towards the waterfall everyday and in the late afternoon
he goes back the opposite way,
This sequence happened after we cleaned some rockfish and
had some carcasses we threw on the beach off the deck. He
actually waited until the tide came in to take advantage of a
free meal.

This is a female common merganser working the water out in front of the lodge.

This river otter has been roaming around the lodge--we see
his tracks and slide marks in the snow. He actually slides
down the hills and seems to have a great time doing it!
He evidentally saw Jen stand up inside when she took these photos
through the window.
The "Commuter" waiting for something to move.....

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