Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Lots of Winter Photos

Here are various unorganized photos from the last several weeks.  Winter has shown up in spurts, with rain and warmer temps between snowfalls melting most of the snow.

Sunrise I

Sunrise II

Sunrise III

A nice morning for snow removal!

Clearing snow off of Prime Time

Still clearing snow off of Prime Time!

Clearing the boardwalk.

Taking a break from shoveling!

Morning Mist

Direct Sun!  On the winter solstice, we had 2 minutes and 15 seconds of direct sunlight through the little notch in the mountains to the south of the lodge!

Ice forming around the hydro shed.

Feral makes an appearance outside!  (a rare occurrence these days!)

New Christmas outfit!

Santa Helper Paparazzi


Looking down at the dock from the boardwalk out to the point.

John and Jeanne over for dinner and card night.

I pulled a "Huck Finn" on John and told him how much fun it was to use our new snowblower!  (He fell for it!)

John and Jeanne on their way home.

The new definition of walking the cat.

Sunrise IV

Loading firewood

High tide.

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